Michael Owen’s Daughter – Gemma Rose Owen Michael Owen is a popular name among all football lovers for all the magic he demonstrated on the pitch, playing for the England national team and…
13 Célébrités françaises et leur incroyable valeur nette – Découvrez qui a le plus gros compte en banque
Florent Pagny – 185 millions d’euros Florent Pagny est un chanteur bien connu du grand public, notamment pour ses tubes atemporels comme “Savoir aimer”. Malgré une année 2022 a…
Berühmte Persönlichkeiten, die noch unter uns sind und ein gutes Leben führen
Micaela Schäfer Micaela Schäfer ist einem breiten deutschen Publikum bekannt, da sie neben ihrer Tätigkeit als Model auf Männermagazinen und Darstellerin in Schmuddelfilmen auch in vielen verschiedene…
Célébrités françaises et leur incroyable valeur nette – Découvrez qui a le plus gros compte en banque.
Jamel Debouzze – 145 millions Jamel Debbouze a su s’imposer dans l’univers de l’humour français au fil des 3 dernières décennies. D’ailleurs, en 2022, le comédien …
Famosos y sus hijos mayores
Ray Nicholson – Actor y Asistente de Dirección El hijo de Jack Nicholson, Ray, debe haber sido alentado por su padre con sus ganancias de 400 millones de dólares acumulados tras todas las pelícu…
Celebrities Of The Golden Era That Are Still Alive – See What They’re Up To Now
Patti LuPone – Now 72 After earning a degree in one of the world’s leading art schools, Juilliard, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Patti LuPone became a top singer and actress. Patti is …
Expensive Celebrity Houses That Only Millionaires Could Afford
Scarlett Johansson – Estimated $3.88 Million, L.A. Scarlett Johansson is a world-famous actress and among those actresses who bring home the highest paychecks in showbiz. She was in films like G…
Lindas Celebridades Femininas: veja como essas lindezas ficam sob toda a maquiagem
Phoebe Cates, 59 – $5 milhões Phoebe Cates era uma estrela adolescente na era dos anos 80 e 90. Sua característica, sorriso lindo e grande atuação fez dela uma estrela. Phoebe Cates é bem conhec…
Celebs Who Are Still Alive And Going Strong
Penny Smith – Now 64 Penny Smith has spent more than four decades as a newsreader, TV and radio broadcaster. She’s previously worked for Classic FM, Sky News, BBC Radio London, GMTV, talkR…
Take A Look At These Celebs With No Make-Up
Ashley Tisdale, 37 – $14 Million Ashley Tisdale has great skincare tips we can learn from. As a graduate of ‘High School Musical’ and an icon for the millennials, the actress-turned-…