Annina Ucatis – 43 Jahre Annina Ucatis ließ sich zur Immobilienkauffrau ausbilden, während sie in den 90er Jahren ihre Karriere als Nummerngirl und Model begann. Schon bald begann sie eine Karri…
Celebrities Of The Golden Era That Are Still Alive – See What They’re Up To Now
Patti LuPone – Now 72 After earning a degree in one of the world’s leading art schools, Juilliard, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Patti LuPone became a top singer and actress. Patti is …
13 Hilarious Wedding Fails That Will Make You Re-Think Marriage
Oh, Burn! They say a picture holds a thousand words, but we’re not sure if even that is enough to describe exactly what is happening in this picture. Judging from the downright droopy expression of th…
Couples who are still together proving true love exists
Adele & Rich Paul The Grammy-Award-winning artist Adele is in love and wants the entire world to know it. Wonder who the lucky guy is? He’s a sports agent named Rich Paul, whom she has been friend…
Celebrities Who Are Still With Us & Living A Good Life
Jasper Carrott – 77 Years Jasper Carrott has a masterful way of carrying the audience along with him. Yet, before the English veteran ranked up amongst Channel 4’s “Top 100 Greatest Stand-…
15 ältere prominente, von denen wir nicht wussten, dass sie noch am leben sind
Arabella Kiesbauer – 52 Arabella Kiesbauer ist eine deutsch-österreichische Berühmtheit, Fernsehmoderatorin, Schauspielerin und Schriftstellerin. Ihre Großmutter Hannelore war eine deutsche Scha…
Celebrities Who Are Still With Us & Living A Good Life
Jasper Carrott – 77 Years Jasper Carrott has a masterful way of carrying the audience along with him. Yet, before the English veteran ranked up amongst Channel 4’s “Top 100 Greatest Stand-…
13 Promis, die noch bei uns und Fans sind, kannten sie noch nicht
Amber Lynn – 58 Jahre Amber Lynn wurde 1964 in Kalifornien geboren und gelangte durch eine Freundin in die „Nur für Erwachsene“- Branche, in der sie nicht nur erfolgreich als Darstellerin in verschied…
17 Celebrities Who Are Still With Us And Living A Good Life
Linda Evans – 78 Linda started acting in the year 1960 when she acted in The Big Valley as Audra Barkley, the daughter of Victoria Barkley. She is famous and ver well-known for her acts in telev…
Celebrities Who Are Still With Us And Living The Good Life
Meg Ryan Although most people wouldn’t admit it, we’ve all indulged ourselves in the occasional guilty pleasure in the form of rom coms. There is nothing better than a cozy blanket, ice cream, and Meg…