Terry Bradshaw – 72
Terry Bradshaw is more than just an iconic figure in the NFL universe. He was the quarterback for Pittsburgh Steelers for 14 seasons and in those periods he has won a total of four Super Bowl titles. Impressive! Apart from being an athlete, Terry Bradhaw also maintains a career in acting, and has appeared in several films and television series such as Failure To Launch, Last Man Standing, Father Figures and more. Teery Bradhsaw and family are currently the stars of a new reality television show on E! titled The Bradshaw Bunch.
Jon Voight came to prominence over his portrayal of Joe Buck in the 1969 film Midnight Cowboy. One of the highlights of his career took place nine years later after his performance in the film Coming Home earned him an Academy Award for Best Actor. After more than 50 years in the industry, Jon Voight is considered one of the very best in his field. His children would go on to become members of the same industry too, namely James Haven and Angelina Jolie.