Prominente kommen und gehen im Laufe der Jahre und wir vergessen oft die Sterne, die wir einmal geliebt und verehrt haben, plötzlich in unserem Leben. Manchmal fragen wir uns, wann wir sie eine Weile …
The Magnificent Homes Of The ‘Golden Era’ Stars
Richard Chamberlain - $19 Million, Maui Richard Chamberlain was one of the popular teen stars during the 1960s. He was most recognized for starring in the show called Dr. Kildare. He is also the first…
The Magnificent Homes Of The ‘Golden Era’ Stars
Kathie Lee Gifford – $10.5 Million, Oceanfront, Florida America’s most beloved TV host and very famous for being a legendary host from 1985 to 2000, for 15 years in Live! show. Giff…
A Compilation of The Most Dramatic Celebrity Weight Losses Of All Time
Alec Baldwin – 60 Pounds – Low Carbs Diet No one can top Alec Baldwin’s weight loss announcement, that’s for sure. Unless anyone else creates a crazier moment than Alec dropping his…
Celebrities Of The Golden Era That Are Still Alive & Kicking – Some Of Them Haven’t Planned Retiring Anytime Soon!
David Birney – 81 When actor David Birney started appearing on-screen in the sixties, he immediately made women’s hearts skip a beat. His debut on the soap opera Love Is a Many Splendid Th…
Rare Pictures Of Your Favourite Hollywood Celebrities From When They Were Young!
Sally Field – Born in 1946 Who still remembers Smokey And The Bandit? Sally Field’s performance in that movie was unforgettable. She ended up marrying her co-star, Burt Reynolds and their relati…
Rare Pictures Of Your Favourite Hollywood Celebrities From When They Were Young!
Linda Kozlowski – Born in 1985 Linda Kozlowski received almost as much attention for her marriage –from Paul Hogan as she did for co-starring with him in Crocodile Dundee as Sue Charlton; …
Hollywood’s Golden Era Stars Who Live in Houses More Luxurious Than Any A-List Celebrity
A lot of stars from yesteryear are not active these days but the money they’ve earned during the height of their careers has allowed them to enjoy many luxuries in life as they got older. These …
Prominente der goldenen Ära, die noch leben und treten – einige von ihnen haben nicht geplant, irgendwann in den Ruhestand zu gehen!
Julie Newmar – 85 Julie Newmar war die ursprüngliche Catwoman in der TV-Version von Batman. Aber sie war nicht nur ein hübsches Gesicht für die Leinwände. Julie war talentiert genug, um in mehre…
Prominente der goldenen Ära, die noch leben und treten – einige von ihnen haben nicht geplant, irgendwann in den Ruhestand zu gehen!
Julie Newmar – 85 Julie Newmar war die ursprüngliche Catwoman in der TV-Version von Batman. Aber sie war nicht nur ein hübsches Gesicht für die Leinwände. Julie war talentiert genug, um in mehre…