Fashion trends aren’t the only thing spread through social media sites. New diets and foods also gain popularity through posts by large influencers. But aside from their novelty and picture-read…
5 Animals Which Courageously Served Their Country
If there is but one way to achieve world peace, it is through humanity’s cumulative love for animals. Throughout history, there have been many animals who have contributed during war times. The bulk o…
Paare, die immer noch zusammen sind
Katarina Witt und Andreas Rüter Katarina Witt kann heute auf eine lange und erfolgreiche Sportler-Karriere zurückblicken, die schon in den 80er Jahren einen ersten Höhepunkt erreichte, als sie für die…
Couples Who Are Still Together
Sally Nugent & Husband – Unknown Years Together Sally Nugent has been a regular on BBC One‘s morning news programs for some time, having previously spent a decade as a sports reporter. She has mad…
Joe Biden’s Newly Adopted Dog And Other Pets of Politicians
Every household needs a furry friend to welcome you home and especially so for politicians after a long day. As distinguished as they are adorable. These politicians not only serve the people, they al…
Oprah Winfrey Loves Her Dogs so Much That She Will Leave Them a Massive Fortune!
Dogs have a very special way of forging bonds with and capturing the hearts of their masters, and pet owners can certainly attest to this. As such, many people are willing to shell out tons of cash fo…
Your Dog’s Lifespan is Correlated to Its Color, Study Finds
We love our little canine family members and want them to live with us forever, but unfortunately a dog’s lifespan is much shorter than human beings, hence we must bid farewell to them at some point i…
Is Your Pet Triggering a Family Member’s Allergies? Here’s How You Can Lessen Allergens In Your Home
Living with a pet is not always a breeze. This is especially true for dog or cat parents who happen to have allergies or asthma that can be triggered by their little one’s shed dander. In some c…
Famous UK Celebrities Who Are Still With Us & Living A Good Life
Helen Shapiro – 78 Helen Shapiro’s voice is just as magical as it sounds and no one could ever stay still hearing her sing in close proximity. It is the loveliness of her voice that has earned h…
Famous Golden Celebrities Who Are Living a Good Life
Sally Field – Age 78 Sally Field rose to fame in 1965 as the bubbly star of the sitcom Gidget, a role that launched a career spanning decades in television and film. Over the years, she even ven…